Sunday, March 09, 2008

Send me your photos: DMBLGIT, March 2008

This month, I am the very excited host of the monthly food blog photography contest, Does My Blog Look Good in This (fondly known as “DMBLGIT”). I have a particular passion for food photography and am so excited to be the event's host this month. I only recently started participating in food blogging events and have found it to be a terrific way of getting exposed to new bloggers and blogs, and having fun in the blogging community. I'm looking forward to your submissions, and to discovering some new fellow bloggers!

Here's how it works:

Each food blogger can submit one photograph that was posted to their blog during the contest month (February). Photographs are reviewed by a panel of judges, who score them in three categories: edibility, aesthetics, and originality. The host then compiles the scores to determine the winners. The specific things the judges will be looking for are as follows:
  • Aesthetics: composition, food styling, lighting, focus, etc.
  • Edibility: “does the photo make us want to dive in and eat the food?”
  • Originality: the photograph that catches our attention and makes us want to say “wow!”, displaying something we might not have seen before.
  • Overall Winner: top overall scores in all three categories combined
There are three overall winners for photographs with the highest point totals in all three categories combined, and one winner in each of the three individual categories.

This month, we have a very exciting panel of judges, most from non-food blogging backgrounds:
  • Melina Hammer is a professional food stylist, photographer, and metalsmith.
  • Thorsten Kraska is a food photographer and co-founder of the Food Photography Club, one of the best food photography critique groups on flickr.
  • Martha Larson is a Seattle-based professional child portrait and maternity photographer. She has a daily “everyday life” photo collaboration with another photographer that can be seen here.
  • I am so excited to include Lou Manna as an esteemed judge. Lou is an award winning Olympus Visionary photographer whose work has appeared in national ad campaigns, major magazines, and more than thirty cookbooks. He is also the author of one of the few digital food photography “how to” books, Digital Food Photography.
  • Dayna McIsaac (December 2007's DMBLGIT host) is a fellow food blogger with not one, but two blogs: Food + Photography and Vegan Visitor.
A very warm thank you to these special guest judges!

How to enter your photograph:
  • Only one entry per person (a single photograph, no diptychs)
  • The photograph must have been taken by you.
  • The photograph must have appeared on your blog during the month of February.
  • Entries must be received by March 25, 2008 6:00 pm.
Send your entry to skrockodile at gmail dot com, with the DMBLGIT as the subject. Please include the following:
  • your name
  • your blog’s name and URL
  • your photograph’s title
  • the URL of the post containing the photograph
  • type of camera used
  • Please send photos of no more than 350 pixels in width
I will be posting submissions to this gallery. If you don't see yours posted within three days of submission, please email me to let me know.

Good luck everyone! Bring the photos on!

Thank you Andrew from Spittoon Extra (founder of the event), for passing the baton to me this month.

P.S. The results of last month's event can be seen on Bake or Break. Guess who placed first, getting her first ever DMBLGIT award? I did! For Grown Up Graham Crackers. Yipee! I'm still in shock. Thanks for hosting last month Jennifer, and thank you very generous judges!


Mandy said... 1

congratulations for the well deserved win! Your photos are always inspiring. :)

Eva said... 2

That photo truly is a winner! Well deserved!

Anonymous said... 3

congratulations. you certainly deserve this after all of this hard work.

special k

Cannelle Et Vanille said... 4

Congrats! I sent in my entry for March!

Anonymous said... 5

Congrats on the February win! The picture is amazing. And thanks for hosting this month.

Anonymous said... 6

Congrats on the win - it was truly a deliciously beautiful photo. :-)
I am relatively new to all this too and this is one way to find new great blogs! And inspiring photographers.

Unknown said... 7

Congrats!! first time on your blog, and first time entering the contest:)

bee said... 8


Helene said... 9

Congrats on the award! Thanks for hosting this month!

Sabra said... 10

Thanks for all the congrats! I'm having a great time hosting - so many excellent photos already up in the gallery. Keep 'em coming! So glad I'm meeting so many new people too. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

Rachael Narins said... 11

Oh, wow. Your pictures are amazing.

Between the level of photography you are doing and that list of judges, this sure isn't a very amateur blogger kinda competition anymore is it? I admit, I'm intimidated!

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